Drake Tutorials
Table of ContentsClose
This is the unofficial C++ version of the Drake Tutorials.
For an overview about the philosophy behind Drake, consider reading this blog post. We have organized the tutorials around the three major components described in that post:
Mathematical Programming
- MathematicalProgram
- Setting solver parameters
- Updating costs and constraints (e.g. for efficient solving of many similar programs)
- Debugging tips
- Linear program
- Quadratic program
- Nonlinear program
- Sum-of-squares optimization
Multibody Dynamics
- Mathematical programming with MultibodyPlant
- PyPlot animation
- Rendering MultibodyPlant
More multibody tutorials coming soon!
Dynamical Systems
- Modeling Dynamical Systems
More systems tutorials coming soon!
Additional resources
- C++ API documentation
- Python API documentation
- MIT 6.800 Robotic Manipulation course notes
- MIT 6.832 Underactuated Robotics course notes
- Getting help